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ReQuest 3.0.4 is GA View previous topic :: View next topic
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:53 pm Post subject: ReQuest 3.0.4 is GA Reply with quote


Joined: 13 Jul 2007
Posts: 156

ReQuest Version 3.0.4 is now GA. Current supported customers may request new release download and technical assistance as required.

Summarized list of major Cressida ReQuest versions 3.0.0 – 3.0.4 enhancements include :

    zOS Java 1.5 and 1.6 support
    Ability to output certain reports to a database
    Audit log of reports, recovery & replay calls
    Socket based Client-Agent communication
    Introduced LSN/RBA based reporting, recovery & replays
    Time based “Update Timeline” and “Update Queue List” functions
    QueueSet definition changes – Now possible to do Digest from within QueueSet definition screen and also multiple queues can be added at a time
    Agent screen based “Agent information” & “Stop Agent”
    Added cloning of filters
    Added “Progress” dialog to Timeline update
    Data displayed in most lists, tables and trees is now sorted (case insensitive)
    Dialog window now always stays in front of the main GUI window
    It is no longer necessary to press return or tab keys after entering values in text boxes
    Dialog windows have been extended to support up to 48 character queue names
    Added –Xmx option to client start up script so that large reports can be generated
    Improved timeline database performance
    Automatically create queues if CCSIDs of target and soruce queue managers are different
    Multiple replays in serial and parallel are now supported
    Enhanced processing of timeline updating when the lowest LSN available is higher than the lowest LSN in the timeline, as well as building timeline database for the LSN range
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