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 Java « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:29 am    Post subject: Java Reply with quote


Joined: 13 Jul 2007
Posts: 156

BPCProcessTemplateStart - Sample Java Program to Start a Process Instance in BPC/WPS

Created by: Bandaru Sreenivas

ProcessTemplateCreateAndStartInstance - Sample XML Message to Start an Instance in MQ Workflow

Created by: Vennela Siri

TraceViewer - The WMQI Trace Viewer utility consists of a set of Java classes that provide a graphical user interface to review the output of WMQI’s message flow trace data. This utility was developed using IBM’s VisualAge for Java 4.0. It has been tested on Java version 1.3.1_02 running on Windows 2000. It has not been tested on any other platform.

Created by: Timm R Bryant/IBM

UnSubscribe - This code shows how to deregister potential orphaned durable subscriber using the output from DumpBroker or amqspsd0.c

Created by: Charlie Lindsey/IBM

DumpBroker - This code shows how to use java to send pcf commands to the pub/sub broker (MA0C - not mqsi)

Created by: Charlie Lindsey/IBM

mqjmssel - A program that uses a selector to retrieve messages. It is a companion to Please read IBM's licensing agreement at the top of this file.

Created by: IBM Corporation - provided by Ron Bower

mqjmsusr - A program to write a couple of properties to the usr folder of a JMS message. Please read IBM's licensing agreement at the top of this file.

Created by: IBM Corporation - provided by Ron Bower

mqjmssrv - A simple server program that works with It sends a reply message to the queue specified in the request message's replyToQ field. Please read IBM's licensing agreement at the top of this file.

Created by: IBM Corporation - provided by Ron Bower

mqdb2log - Illustrates doing a two phase commit with MQSeries and DB2. Please read IBM's licensing agreement at the top of this file.

Created by: IBM Corporation - provided by Ron Bower

mqjmssel - A program that uses a selector to retrieve messages. It is a companion to Please read IBM's licensing agreement at the top of this file.

Created by: IBM Corporation - provided by Ron Bower

backout - A program to show moving a poison message to backout queue. Please read IBM's licensing agreement at the top of this file.

Created by: IBM Corporation - provided by Ron Bower

mqcodeanalyzer - Here is a utility to analyze mqseries reason codes, get and put options etc. in Java. I have worked and tested this on Jdk 1.4.0.

the command line I used to run this:
C:\Vasant>java -classpath C:\Progra~1\IBM\MQSeries\java;C:\Progra~1\IBM\MQSeries
\java\lib\;C:\Vasant\mqcodeanalyzer.jar mqtools.MQCodeAnalyzer

Created by: Vasant Loka

MQMessenger - There is a 'readme.txt' file in the archive with the

The program needs improvement in managing the Characterset and encoding.
Right now, it depends on the user to provide the correct values. I am planning to add a dropdown list box to the options dialog and manage the character set and the corresponding character sizes (in bytes) in a hard-coded map.

This is the first version and your suggestions and comments are welcome.

Unzip the archive to a directory and change the entries in
'' file. Run the program with the command 'java MQMessenger'. I am assuming that you have '.' in your CLASSPATH.

the command line I used to run this:
C:\Vasant>java -classpath C:\Progra~1\IBM\MQSeries\java;C:\Progra~1\IBM\MQSeries
\java\lib\;C:\Vasant\mqcodeanalyzer.jar mqtools.MQCodeAnalyzer

Created by: Naren -

mqcodeanalyzer - This program shows the use of a java hash table to set the MQSeries environment. It requires a queue name parameter and takes an optional queue manager name parameter. The message that is put on the queue is hard-coded. This program has been tested with JDK 1.1.8.
Note: In order for this program to work, you'll need to change the MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY and MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY to be the values that are valid for your system. The MQC.PORT_PROPERTY value can remain at 1414 if you are using the default port.

Created by: IBM

MQSetMsgId - This program sets the message id and correlation id of a message before putting it on the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.
Note: This program has been tested against MQSeries 5.1 CSD4 using Java JDK 1.1.8. You will need to change the qManager name if you are not using the default queue manager. This program is based on the sample that ships with the MQSeries product.

Created by: IBM

mqsyncjms - This program is a variation of the mqsync.c program. This program is written in java and shows the use of the jms objects and methods to put messages in syncpoint by checking the message buffer for the following text:
SYNC or sync: the message is to be put in syncpoint
CMIT or cmit: the syncpointed messages are to be committed BACK or back: the syncpointed messages are to be backed out

Created by: IBM

mqjmsro - This program is a java program that shows the setting of MQMD report options via jms. Even though it uses the jms interface, this code is written based on MQSeries (ie, it does not use a JNDI naming service).
The program can be run as follows
java mqjmsro -m
The program will write a message to SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.
This program has been tested with MQSeries V5.1 CSD5 and JDK 1.1.7.

Created by: IBM

MSender - MSender is a Java program that reads a line of input from the keyboard and sends it to a queue. Queue Name is passed in as a Parameter.
To build: javac
To Run: java MSender queue_name

Created by: IBM

mqsync - This program is a modified version of the mqsync.c program. It is written in java and shows the use of the java objects and methods to put messages in syncpoint by checking the message buffer for the following text:
SYNC or sync: the message is to be put in syncpoint
CMIT or cmit: the syncpointed messages are to be committed
BACK or back: the syncpointed messages are to be backed out

Created by: IBM

mqbrowse - This program is a java program that shows the use of a browse message cursor for looking at messages before actually getting them. In order to run the program, messages must already exist on the queue. The program will browse a message and then ask if the message should actually be retrieved. Any test string with a 'Y' or a 'y' will be taken as a yes and the message will be retrieved. The program can be run as follows:
This program has been tested with MQSeries V5.1 and JDK 1.1.7.

Created by: IBM

ReportTypeMessage - When putting a message to a particular queue, ReportTypeMessage will instruct the Queue Manager to place a message confirming the arrival of the sent message on another queue.

Created by: Upkar Sharma -

MQBrowse - While reading from the queue this program doesn't take the message from the queue. The message always remains there. To accomplish this, MQBrowse opens the queue with options for browsing.

Created by: Upkar Sharma -

MQBackout - The message is returned to the original queue if there is any problem faced by queue manager via an MQBACK command.

Created by: Upkar Sharma -

MQBTU (MQ Batch Test Utility) - MQBTU is a command line utility, built using Jython 2.2.1, created primarily to assist WBIMB developers testing their messageflows. Version 1.0.0 is compatible with WMQ5.3 and WMQ6.0 and runs without modifications on Linux/UNIX and Windows.

More information:

MQBTU is released under the "GNU General Public License v3".

Created by: Gert-Jan Den Besten -
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