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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:06 am    Post subject: mqsicreatebar cleanBuild option Reply with quote


Joined: 22 Jan 2018
Posts: 30

Hey Guys,

i am just trying to understand when we use this option.

currently in our build process we are using both cleanBuild and skipWSErrorCheck.

but single app is taking lot of time and i assume this cleanBuild option is refreshing each time when multiple bar files are getting created.

And I assuming both options is also not needed.

Please help me understand.

Thank you!
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2020 3:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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The -cleanBuild is the same as specifying '-clean' in the eclipse.ini or on the command-line. It causes Eclipse to ignore any cached information and build everything from scratch. In other words, it's exactly like the 'clean' option in other build systems. Normally you want an automated build to use this option. You may find that your automated build system creates a new workspace for every build anyway, so the first build is (inevitably) a 'clean' build.

The 'skipWSErrorCheck' causes the IIB BAR file compiler to ignore errors in the projects when building the BAR file. In general I think that's a dangerous thing to do, but you may have a good reason for needing it.

One more tip: you may want to consider mqsipackagebar as a much faster alternative to mqsicreatebar. But don't switch to it without researching the differences; it does not create an IIB workspace so it cannot never check for errors in the projects.
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 11:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 22 Jan 2018
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>> You may find that your automated build system creates a new workspace for every build anyway, so the first build is (inevitably) a 'clean' build.

yes in our CICD , first we check-out everything in a folder.

initially it was not kept was we added this option because for some project the refereneced Library or something was not getting picked up.

Is there any way we could build at the bigening meaning do we have any mqsi command for just build.
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 22 Jan 2018
Posts: 30

what this below command will do

mqsicreatebar -cleanBuild -compileOnly -data C:\User\salam\IBM\IIB10\workspace

i am not providing any barfile and when i ran it on my local it is successfull so just wandering what is the outcome of this command.

can we add this add as one task to clean the Workspace before we actually start creating the bar file.
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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It would be useful to know _why_ you are asking these questions. Is there something about your build process that you want to improve? Or are you just asking out of interest?

Please take time to read your reply before you hit the 'Submit' button - I did not understand all of what you wrote.
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 10:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 22 Jan 2018
Posts: 30

I am sorry if i confused ...let me put it all once again:

i am trying to improve my current build process.

Current Issue: build is taking lot of time

in our mqsicreatebar command we have both options cleanBuild and skipWSErrorCheck.

so when bar file for each application is created it is taking 10-15 min to build each bar and i think cleanBuild is the cause for that as it is cleaning the Workspace each time bar file is created.

so now i was trying to find a way to do clean build one time and thus this below command i was trying to understand what exactly it does

mqsicreatebar -cleanBuild -compileOnly -data C:\User\salam\IBM\IIB10\workspace

because the above command is success and there is no Bar file which is created so wanted to check if this as one time can be added in our build process.

I hope this helps and i am again sorry for confusing it.
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Grand Master

Joined: 25 Aug 2015
Posts: 1290

Thanks for clarifying. My approach would be
1. Use mqsicreatebar once to check that there are no errors in the workspace. Not sure whether it is possible to detect errors in the workspace without actually building at least one BAR file. But you could easily find out for yourself.
2. Use mqsicreatebar with the -compileOnly flag to compile Java and (hopefully not) message sets as documented here:
3. Use mqsipackagebar to actually build the BAR files. It will be many times faster than using msqicreatebar and will produce identical results.

All of this is documented in the Knowledge Center btw.
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