FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).


MQSystems is a dutch consultancy and software company specialising in providing middle tier integration solutions based on:

  • WebSphere MQ (WMQ formerly known as MQSeries),
  • WebSphere Message Broker (WMB formerly known as WBIMB or MQSI)

We provide consultancy and solutions for messaging based technologies and legacy system integration.


Our latest flagship solution is MQArchitect, a truly visual design tool (based on Microsoft Visio®) for WebSphere MQ that helps you close the communication gap with architects, business users and operational IT staff by visualising your WebSphere MQ topology (new or existing) and allows you to reduce time to market and make better use of your scarce MQ personnel by automating the deploy and implementation of new environments or changes to existing environments.


MQDocument extracts configuration and security information about WebSphere MQ objects from your running Queue manager(s) and generates XML.

The generated XML document can be displayed in a browser (using an XSL stylesheet that comes with MQDocument) and you can look at all configuration and security information in a well organised way.

You can use an XSLT processor of your choice to generate HTML documents, which can be edited using Microsoft Word (or any other word processor that supports HTML), configuration and security information about your WebSphere MQ environment can be copy/pasted into an existing or new document.